Select the date of your stay / date of arrival (check-in) - from and departure (check-out) - to
After click on send date, you will see the currently available rooms, including descriptions and photos
Select your room or rooms and the number of people in each room
Fill in the "Online check-in" for all guests - replaces check-in at reception! Name, surname, date of birth, nationality, adress of permanent residence, document number (passport or identity card)
Enter contact details for communication
If you are booking for a company, fill in the field "Reservation for company - ID" and enter all details which you need on invoice.
After approving all documents (General Terms and conditions, etc..) and correctness of the entered data, click on Book.
You will be redirected to a secure payment gateway and you will receive a booking confirmation on your e-mail. The confirmation will include instructions for payment or cancellation before payment. An unpaid reservation is valid for 1 hour. If the reservation will not be pay until 1 hour, it will be autamically canceled.
Reservation for the same night must be paid until 11:59 pm - then you can arrive at any time during the night.*
Make a payment through a secure payment gateway. You will receive a confirmation e-mail immediately.
On the day of arrival / check-in from 12:00 / we will send you an SMS message and e-mail with informations about access to hotel and the room. CONTACTLESS CHECK-IN
A safe box with your room key will be prepared for you at the entrance to the hotel.
Advantages of contactless accommodation:
- Lowest Price Guarantee - Earlier check-in - 12:00 - On-line 24 hours a day / 7 days a week - No more filling out forms at reception - Immediate booking confirmation - you can go straight to your room - You book directly in the hotel without an intermediary
! IMPORTANT ! Reservation for the same night MUST BE paid until 11:59 pm. Then you can arrive at any time during the night. *For example: 1/ I book a room for tomorrow - I will receive access to the room tomorrow at 12:00. 2/ I book a room for today - i will receive access to the room today at 12:00. In case that i make a reservation at any time after 12:00 but no later than 23:59 i will receive access to the room immediately.